Are you between the ages of 18 -35 living in Borno State and searching for a job? Do you have any school qualification or idea want to learn a vocation and start -up a business?

If Yes join the 2024 SOS Childrens Villages Youth Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Programme. The Programme will empower you with the skills and opportunities you need for a successful business career or build a business of your own.

Interested? This is how the Programme works:

Life Skills

For one week you will receive life skills training and at the end of the week you will proceed further into the different programme tracks (Vocational or entrepreneurship ) based on the track select during your application.


If you choose entrepreneurship training, you will learn about Business Management and entrepreneurship for a period of thirty-two weeks (12) with practical support tailored towards your business. You will also get mentorship from successful entrepreneurs and business incubation. The business incubation culminates into a business pan competition, where participants will compete for recognition.

Vocational Skills Training

If you choose to do Vocational training, you will be exposed to the State of Art Vocational trade and you will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive and sustain in your chosen field. Based on your performance you can qualify to be supported with Business start up to start-up your own business after graduation.

Applications are open until the 24 of August 2024

If you are interested Kindly apply through the link below:
